pragmatic: adj.1.好管闲事的,爱多事的。2.刚愎自用的,独断的;自负的。3.【哲学】实用主义的。4.重实效的;实际的。5.国务的,国事的;团体事务的。6.研究史迹的相互关系的。短语和例子pragmatic lines of thought 实用主义的想法。 the pragmatic sanction 构成基本法的诏书,国事诏书。n.1.爱管闲事的人。2.专断的人。3.国事诏书。
American educationists with j . dewey being a representative , in pragmatic education theory was against the " teacher - centered theory " . they insisted that center of education should transfer from teacher to children . they also demanded that all measures should serve children 以美国教育家杜威为代表的实用主义教育理论,反对教师中心、主张教育的中心由教师转到儿童,要求把一切措施围绕儿童转动,其学说称为“儿童中心说” 。